Why won't my Segway turn on?

Why won't my Segway turn on?

How to Troubleshoot Your Segway PT


This is a question we get all the time. And typically it's an easy fix while other times you’ll require additional assistance from one of our technicians.

So here is your one stop guide for troubleshooting your Segway PT

  • This is specific for the Segway i2 & i2SE models as well as the X2 & X2SE

First and foremost, make sure your Segway is charged and you have the correct key that has been programmed to your unit! 

  • The Segway key fob should have eight bars on the left side of the key face

  • If your key does not show any bars you most likely are in need of a fresh charge

  • For a segway to go from no charge to a full eight bars it will take about eight hours

If your Segway has been plugged in for an extended amount of time you should see either 1 of 4 signals from the LED lights on the base:

No lights

Solid Green Lights

Blinking Green Lights

Red Lights

No Lights- If your Segway is not displaying any lights this would indicate that your Segway is not charging. Check to see if the charging cord is correctly connected to the charging port. You may need to wiggle the cord until you see a light come onto the port. If your cord is correctly inserted and you still don't see any lights, you will most likely need to replace a charging port which you will need to contact a segway technician to do.

Red lights- If your Segway is displaying red lights this is an indication that your batteries are dead and you will need to replace them. But good news! We offer a new Extended Range Battery that almost doubles the range of the original batteries. Purchase today and we can have your batteries to you within the week!

Green Lights- If your lights are green you’re in a good place and ready for the next step. If they are solid green that means your batteries are charging but have not reached the maximum charge. If your lights are flashing green this means that your batteries are fully charged and ready to go.

If you have checked your lights and they are green the next step is to check the Segway’s key.

If your Segway’s Key is a blank screen you likely need to replace the key’s battery

  • This is a simple fix; order a pack of CR2430 Battery Replacements

Then if your key battery is still not coming on your power button could be jammed

  • In which case you would need to either buy a new key or contact a segway technician who can walk you through an alternative to fixing a jammed button

If you still have any questions or if you need a one of our technicians to walk you through it click here!